ITW panel 2022

The Greener Data Movement at ITW 2022

greener data ITW panel

Jaymie Scotto & Associates, an official sponsor of ITW International Telecoms Week 2022, headlined a first day event with a Greener Data panel hosted by JSA founder Jaymie Scotto Cutaia that focused on a commitment to greener data sustainability. 

JSA team at ITW 2022

The JSA team hit the ground running May 9-12 in Fort Washington, Baltimore with none other than the incredible authors of Greener Data! Traveling from near and far, JSA’s very own Jaymie Scotto Cutaia, Amy Chovenac, Candace Sipos, Samantha Booth, Sheetal Werneke, Shyla Werneke, and Terri Goggins made their mark at ITW glowing in green! 

Greener Data Panel

JSA headlines ITW with a Greener Data panel on the very first day, led by our very own Jaymie Scotto Cutaia. Joining our industry influencer and CEO was Phillip Marangella, Patrick Giangrosso, Kim Gunnelius, Brad Meissner, Bruce Lehrman, Dean Nelson, and Erick Contag. Click on the link below to watch the panel on YouTube!

During this panel, our audience learned that Greener Data is much more than a book. The book is part of an evolving movement and a steadfast commitment to a better tomorrow. For those unable to join us in-person or virtually, we offer supporters access to listen to these critical conversations, case studies, and examples that are happening right now.

front shot of ITW 2022 panel
side shot of ITW panel

Directly after the panel, JSA continues to spread the word on sustainability by sponsoring ITW’s Happy Hour where “GreenerTinis” flowed by the minute. ITW attendees met our industry thought leaders, discussed initiatives, fostered collaboration, and had their Greener Data books signed! 

happy hour greener tini  data celebration
greener data book next to champagne glasses

Not only did the Greener Data Movement launch at ITW, but JSA also made major industry strides this year by broadcasting all interviews LIVE for the very first time on JSA TV! Joined by various Greener Data authors, JSA Clients, and numerous other ITW attendees, the words “Greener Data” were mentioned all across the convention floor. Excited to share their sustainability stories to all of our JSA TV viewers, the Greener Data movement quickly gained momentum. If you missed any of our interviews, you’re in for a special treat that includes a multi-part series via email for everyone to check out the news! If you aren’t already subscribing, go ahead and sign up here so you don’t miss a beat! 

jaymie scotto greener data book signing

By the end of ITW 2022, one thing became clear to all who attended:  If their organization wasn’t already focused on environmental sustainability, sustainability is certainly at the top of their priority lists now. We need to make actionable strides TODAY in order to help save our planet. We’re partnering together to reduce our infrastructure’s carbon footprint, and we want you to join us. Become a part of something bigger and think about what your “why” is. We’re ready to hear from you so you can join us on stage next year at ITW!

Stay up to date with all of the latest news. 

SUBSCRIBE to JaymieScottoTV for the latest Telecom News: https://www.youtube.com/JaymieScottoTV 

HOMEPAGE: http://www.jsa.net 

GREENER DATA: https://greenerdata.net/

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