
What if we could break down our silos, our company lines, and our country boundaries? What if we could act as global citizens and share our approaches to greener businesses, facilities, and technologies across dividing lines?

GreenerData.net is your source for all success stories on sustainability.


Enter: Greener Data

This multi-author, visionary book features the voices, stories, and perspectives of leading decision-makers in the data center and network infrastructure industry who are passionate about drastically reducing carbon emissions for a more sustainable Earth.

Empowering other industries’ digital transformations, our innovators from around the globe share their timely insights to inspire positive and ever-lasting change and sustainability.

But it’s more than a book; it’s a movement.  Join us as we raise awareness, educate, share real-world examples, pledge our commitment and work together to heal this world and provide a lasting legacy for our children.

Here’s where to begin. Infrastructure Masons is announcing its iMasons Climate Accord, a coalition of companies fighting climate change.  Join AWS, Google, Meta, Microsoft and more as we join together and pledge our green allegiance for iMasons Climate Accord.


Actionable Insights

Greener Data provides multiple, inclusive ways to act – including: reducing carbon emissions; enhancing biodiversity; harnessing the power in people and resource management; leveraging hardware and software innovation; investing in sustainable projects, facilities and partners; and providing definitions and tools for universal and impactful measurement and transparency.

We will also leverage this site to be your space for all our latest success stories on sustainability from our data center and network infrastructure industry.  Our blog will feature latest headlines, contributed articles, case studies, and more to keep you informed, inspired and moving forward as we get greener together.

Start with action now.  In addition to pledging your allegiance to green with iMasons’ Climate Accord, get a free 360°View download into your building, including data centers and power utilities, with BDx’s new, agnostic platform that delivers critical sustainability tracking and hybrid environment monitoring.

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Greener Data: This Year & Beyond

When defining the future of the data center industry, one initiative is clearly paramount: environmental sustainability. Hear the new innovative ways data centers and businesses from around the world are partnering together, making it a top priority to reduce critical facilities’ carbon footprints.

Click the video to join the top industry professionals, all contributing authors of the new book Greener Data, as we unveil new energy efficiencies, technologies and construction plans in our global pursuit of going green.

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